Tuesday 15 May 2007

Long Time No See!


I just thought I'd let you all know that I am in fact... not dead!.. :-O

instead, I am incredibly busy with Uni work and various random social activities!... but, yeh, my Uni work will be in next Friday (hopefully!!), so I'm sure you will all be pleased to know that I should then be able to continue blogging about crap!

since my last post, I went to see both Justin Timberlake and Meat Loaf in concert, I met McFly again and was totally ignored by Tom again, saw Spider-man 3 twice which was ace, and also my relationship status changed to "Taken" (aw)... not that much really considering it's been since the start of April!... there was prolly more, I just can't remember, hehe...

that is all anyways... best get back to my work...


P.S. I now have a Facebook, so if anyone has one, you should like, add me, I could do with the friends, hehe... ;-P