Saturday, 22 April 2006

Silent Hill!

omg!... finally saw Silent Hill last night!!... very cool!... to be fair, not as cool as I was hoping, but I did hype it up a bit too much in my head, hehe...

I don't think non-Silent Hill fans will like it that much really... if you've played the game, you will most likely love it, cos it follows the game seriously well... not storyline wise... but gameplay wise... amazing... for example!... maps are actually used!... she checks doors, and they're locked!... she finds this torch in a drawer... her phone goes all weird, just like the radio!... and without spoiling, there's like, little like, problem solving things, in it... not as Silent Hill-y as "drop 6-pack of cans down garbage shoot"... but ya know, hehe...

some scenes are quite disturbing, and will leave you mentally scared forever... and the end is confusing... so overall, it's generally amazing!... and gets a rating of... 8/10!...



Anonymous said...

Hey hey hey! OMG it really was fantastic <3 loved it soooo much! Hehehe. <3 Pyramid Head! Oooooh and the janitor monster in the toilet T_T so freaky!!! Teehee!
Ah was such a brill night!

And I even saw you!! (So cute! hehe) Awww man I shudda talked to ya....

Anyways yesh!!! Love ya matey
Phil xxx

Ms Mac said...

Ooooh, it's a game you say... I must have a look out for it! And for the movie as well!

Anonymous said...

Nicely done martin, i still aint seen it. I will though eventually

Random comment: Wrenna Club!!

- Havins