Thursday, 16 February 2006


omg, I've had 3 nightmares in 2 nights!... they were all quite odd too... :-S

in my first one, I wasn't me... I was a girl... with a whole different family... and my "Dad" drugged me, to like, paralize me kinda thing, and did things to my mouth... I really don't know why... but anyways, when I came around, my "sister" was there... and then she shot my "Mom" for some reason... and I woke up... o_O

in the second one, I was me again... I was in the toilet at this house... and Milo had jumped in there for some reason... so I went to get him out, and found a dead cat in there... and I weed on it...

in the third one, I was still me... but I can't properly remember what happened... I know it was alien related though... I have quite a few nightmares about aliens invading earth!... and also terrorists killing us all... it's all quite odd...

anywho, they were my nightmares!... I will update you if I have any tonight!


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