Tuesday, 23 January 2007

You're Still Here!?

hehe, I still get an e-mail every week that tells me how many people still visit this thing, and it has come to my attention that some folk actually do!... not sure why, but still!... so I have decided to give you lovely little people something to read!... I'm nice like that... ^_^

so, hello!... how are we all!?... I am actually quite good at the moment!... I have a week off Uni, in which I have decided to actually have a week off Uni, with no work!... I have had soooo much to do up till Friday just gone... but yesterday I decided to play the games that I had for Christmas and haven't been able to play!

yay, McFly's Friday Night video just came on on Bubble Hits!... for all those (hehe, I speak as if I'm getting more than an average of 2 readers a day) who don't know what that is, it is an amazing music channel on Sky!... quite cool!

omg!... 24 started the other night, and I can confirm that is was... AMAZING!... the Jack is back!... I shan't give owt away about it, cos that would be mean, but it was great, hehe...

other eventful events that have happened lately include redecorating the living room and kitchen!... my Mommy turning 37 yesterday!... and having a power surge on Sunday which nearly blew up my Mac and my Wii! (thank you fuses!)... oh yes, and apparently Blogger has changed since the last time I used it, but it seems the same, apart from I see something that says "Labels for this post:" underneath this text box which looks cool, so I am going to type things in there now!...


P.S... I made an album!... you can download it here!...

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