Tuesday, 13 February 2007

Console Wars!

hmm, if you know me, which you may very well do, you will know that I am quite interested in the whole war of the next-gen consoles!... tis lame I know, but still... I been thinking lately bout the whole thing for some reason, so I thought I'd tell y'all my views!... you don't have to read if you don't care, hehe...

the whole next-gen consoles thing is basically based round the Playstation 3, which is quite obvious cos of the Playstation 2 doing so well, and I've given my views on it a lot in the past, but I'm sure a lot of people just think of it as "PS3-bashing"... even so!... I have been looking into it, and the main thing that's putting people off atm is the price tag... personally, it doesn't bother me...

if you first look at the things that the PS3 is offering, ace HD-graphics, WiFi, HD-movie playback (Blu-Ray or whatever), online thing, 60GB HD, etc... coming to £425... then look at the things the 360 offers, ace HD-graphics, Xbox Live, 20GB HD, etc... £280... but!... if you wanted WiFi and HD-movie playback on your 360, you've gotta fork out another £190, knocking the actual equivalent price £470... and that's with a smaller hard drive... so, yeh, the price of the PS3 isn't actually that bad, it's just that they don't give you any options...

however... the PS3 has pretty much no games that're coming out on release that I care about in the slightest... dunno bout anyone else, but I think the launch games are really poop... they're either available on the 360 already, or they're just not that good!... apart from apparently that Resistance... whereas I have like, 4 of the release games for the 360... and 5 for the Wii (but that's not to say they are all good!... Red Steel, pfft)...

speaking of the Wii!... I don't class the Wii as a next-gen console really... I know it is, but it's in a whole league of it's own, cos it's nothing like the other 2... I love the Wii, it's so clever, hehe... but as to yet, the whole thing is being used as a novelty in random mini-game games... the only "real" games that I know of that are meant to be good and are out atm are Zelda, which is totally amazing, and Red Steel, which is really quite naff... don't get me wrong, the other games are cool, like Rayman and WarioWare, but I don't class them as real games... and we need some real games to come out!... roll on Super Mario Galaxy!

where was I!?... oh yes, Ps3 and 360!... I love my 360 too!... but the only thing it is offering more than the PS3, other than better games atm, is Xbox Live... cos Xbox Live is really cool, but you also have to pay for it... as far as I know, the PS3 equivalent is free... not sure though...

in the end, 360 did get a 12-month/15-month head start, but because of the PS2's big success, people are gonna automatically assume that the PS3 is the best console... and I'm not denying it could be, cos it probably will be in the end, and I really want one now...

I read in a few places that the 360 is predicted to win the war... but if you look at the figures, 360 has sold 10million up to yet... the Wii has already sold 3.5million, and it's close to impossible to find any in stock anywhere... PS3 has sold a good 1.3million and it's not even out in Europe yet... my prediction is that the Wii hype will die down soon though, and the Playstation will reign king of the consoles again... then the 360 will be left closely behind the Wii... however, if the DS is anything to go by, then I reckon Wii hype will stick and it will win overall!... either way, I reckon the 360 will probably lose, but it'll be interesting to see how the PS3 goes down in Europe...

how cool would it be if Sega came out of the blue with a next-gen console!?... the Dreamcast was ace, but maybe a bit before it's time... would never happen, but still... even better, how odd would it be if Apple decided to go into console gaming!... they could probably come up with some good shit if they put their minds to it, despite the Macs being not that good for gaming... mainly due to the lack of games that is, though...

hehe, I bet that blog was really boring and didn't make much sense... I did quite enjoy writing it though!... and I've managed to convince myself that the PS3 is quite good too, amazing...


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