Thursday, 22 March 2007

*Takes Broke Ass Home*

yes, as Fergie's Father (apparently) once said... "If you ain't got no money, take your broke ass home!"... and remember this? -

well, that quite large sum is going out of my bank today... and therefore, I am taking my broke ass home!... omg, so poor... but it's ok, my PS3 is coming TOMORROW!... I'm quite excited!... :-D

omg, I have this assignment in for tomorrow, with which my lecturer is expecting like, 100 sketches!... loads!... I've managed 21 over 5 pages so far, and I'm totally fresh out of ideas, so I got no idea what to do now... >_<

in other news, my Step Dad turned 34 yesterday!... and my Sister is 17 tomorrow!... also, I have, after some thinking, compiled a list of my top 10 games... ever!... but I shan't be posting that until later on today...


1 comment:

Ms Mac said...

Your step-dad is 34?!?!?!

Martin, please stop making me feel older than Methuselah!

Happy birthday Step-Dad!