Saturday, 29 April 2006

Hilary Duff!

omg!... I saw Hilary Duff last night!... I can confirm that she was AMAZING!... loved every second of it, hehe...

not that many of you reading this will know her songs, her best songs of the night were "Mr. James Dean", "Party Up", and "Fly"!... she put on a great show, and she is SO good live, which I wasn't totally expecting to be honest, hehe...

she actually came across as quite a nice person too... we all know that that's an act, but still...

omg, best bit of the night was when she jumped off the stage, and came and grabbed everyone's hand who was at the front!... (cos, like, I was at the front too)... and I got to touch Hilary Duff!... it was amazing... I am yet to wash my hand, hehe...

anywho, I will shush now, cos I know you don't REALLY care about it!



Wednesday, 26 April 2006

Bucket Head!

this morning, I was woken up to the following retarded banging his head off of the wall in the back garden... he got his head stuck in there, I do not know, hehe...


Sunday, 23 April 2006

Bowling and TV!

yay, bowling was fun last night... I won a whole 1 of the 3 games!... then beat my Mom 7-0 at air hockey, cos I'm cool, hehe...

today, I have been catching up with TV that I have recorded on my amazing TVDrive!... I watched Girls Aloud's TV show, which is actually quite good... and also, I have started watching... *dramatic pause*... Doctor Who!... which is also actually quite good!... :-)

I am going out in a bit, cos I'm going to see the Silent Hill movie again tonight, and Sarah and Chris are coming round to play one of the Silent Hill games before!... so, I'm not really going out for that long, just to bring them here, hehe...


Saturday, 22 April 2006

Today, I Had For Dinner...

I know nobody actually cares what I had for dinner today, but I also know that someone hasn't blogged in forever, and they usually do these things for some reason... so it is basically a hint for this someone to blog!

so, yes... today, for dinner!... I had...

that!... a quite healthy meal of chicken thingys, jacket potatoes and salad... made slightly less healthy when it was plastered in beans, cheese and mayonaise, hehe!...

how "amazing"!

now blog Mr. Someone!

omg, gotta go, going bowling!


Silent Hill!

omg!... finally saw Silent Hill last night!!... very cool!... to be fair, not as cool as I was hoping, but I did hype it up a bit too much in my head, hehe...

I don't think non-Silent Hill fans will like it that much really... if you've played the game, you will most likely love it, cos it follows the game seriously well... not storyline wise... but gameplay wise... amazing... for example!... maps are actually used!... she checks doors, and they're locked!... she finds this torch in a drawer... her phone goes all weird, just like the radio!... and without spoiling, there's like, little like, problem solving things, in it... not as Silent Hill-y as "drop 6-pack of cans down garbage shoot"... but ya know, hehe...

some scenes are quite disturbing, and will leave you mentally scared forever... and the end is confusing... so overall, it's generally amazing!... and gets a rating of... 8/10!...


Thursday, 20 April 2006


...that's right people!... for one blog only, you get to see "me" fully naked in the shower at University!... exciting!...

here it is!...

...omg!... hehe!


Wednesday, 19 April 2006

This Is What...

...I have done so far!...

...and I'm not sure what I've got to do with this now, so I will ask the lecturer on Tuesday!...

I'm very bored now, so I'm going to go home, cos I can do my web work from there, and eat chocolate at the same time, yay... :-)


This Is Why...

...I didn't want to do my work...

...because it is SO boring!... I can pretty much guarantee that I will NOT be getting into a job involving CAD... typing in stuff to make lots of lines is far from fun... :'-(

best carry on anyways!... I will update y'all with my final result of todays work later!



hmm, I had 2 rather odd dreams last night... one of which I woke up quite scared!... this is because I had a stalker!... it was quite scary...

we were moving house again, for some reason, and this person was following me (I reckognised the person too, he also stalked Jem!)... I can't really remember everything that happened, because I had another dream after this one which wiped my memory, but I do remember him trying to steal my living room TV!... he was hiding in the very small drawer in the unit, and somehow moving the unit and TV from in there... o_O

my other dream, however, was quite cool!... me and my sister were catching a plane somewhere... dunno where... but we got on the wrong one, and went somewhere in America... then we decided to catch a train to a place where we would be more likely to get home, or something... but we didn't have and USD to buy a ticket!... thankfully, with the help of this huge lady, I found out I could use my card, hehe...

when we got to the train station, my sister started wondering off, and I was like, nooooo, cos I thought we might get arrested for some reason, and to avoid this, I went straight to a security guard!... I explained what had happened... and he started panicking, and raced us to this random house with these very black people, who were apparently going the England the day after... they also had 2 big dogs, which I didn't want to go in the garden because of... o_O

and then I woke up!... so, who knows what happened next!... I may have been eaten by the big dogs!... or I may have got home for free with the random people!... we will never know...


P.S.!... to anyone I was talkin to on MSN last night, sowwy I didn't say bYe!... my net decided to go off again!... :'-(

Tuesday, 18 April 2006

Random Stolen Quiz...

I am bored, and therefore, have stolen this quiz from Sarah!... :-)


1. pierce your nose or tongue?: neither...
2. be serious or be funny?: dunno!
3. drink whole or skim milk?: Skimmed!
4. die in a fire or drown?: what a lovely question... preferably neither!



1. simple or complicated?: I don't think I'm complicated... erm, you answer that one, hehe...
2. gay?: lil bit!
3. hardcore?: erm, totally... o_O



1. flowers or angels?: depends what kind of angels!... if they're the David Boreanaz kind, then them, hehe...
2. grey or black?: black
3. color or black and white photos?: colour, although black and white are pretty cool too...
4. lust or love?: *shrugs*
5. sunrise or sunset?: Sunset
6. m&ms or skittles?: Skittles
7. rap or rock?: Rock
8. staying up late or waking up early?: I like both, but when they're together, I get tired, hehe...
10. eating apples or oranges?: Apples



1. being hot or cold?: Cold
2. sun or moon?: Moon
3. winter or fall?: Winter
4. left or right?: Left
5. having 10 acquaintances who will have sex with you or having 2 best friends?: Best Friends
6. sun or rain?: Sun
7. vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?: Vanilla
8. boys or girls: erm
9. vodka or Jack?: *shrugs*



What time is it?: 15:05
Name?: Martin
Nickname(s): Martin...



Where do you want to live?: New York...
How many kids do you want?: dunno!
What kind of job do you want?: something where I get to design cool stuff...
Do you want to get married?: not overly arsed...



1. Nervous Habits?: erm, not sure...
2. Are you double jointed?: nope
3. Can you roll your tongue?: yeh
4. Can you raise one eyebrow?: yeh
5. Can you cross your eyes?: hehe, yeh
6. Do you make your bed daily?: yeh



1. Which shoe goes on first?: whichever shoe I pick up first... I think it's usually left, not sure tho!
2. Ever thrown one at someone?: hehe, prolly!
3. What jewellery do you wear?: none!



1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: twirl, n suck too!
2. Have you ever eaten Spam?: nope!
3. Favorite ice cream flavor? Apple Crumble... I want that again... :-(
4. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?: *checks*... 4!
5. What's your favorite beverage?: tea!... and Apple Tango!
6. What's your favorite restaurant?: Pizza Hut... :-)



1. How often do you brush your teeth?: once or twice, depending when I remember...
2. How do you wear your hair for the most part?: I just brush it, n that's it!
3. Have you ever dyed/highlighted your hair?: yeh



1. Do you swear?: sometimes...
2. Do you ever spit?: no, it's icky...
3. You cook your own food: my dinner, yeh... Mom cooks tea tho...
4. You do your own chores?: yeh
5. You got laid today?: o_O... no...
7. You like pepsi or coke?: Pepsi
8. You plan on going to college?: been there, done that, got the... oh, I don't have a t-shirt... been n done it tho!... :-)
9. You're happy with your hair?: atm, yeh... it has it's days where it's shit tho, hehe...
11. You spend your money wisely?: *is nearly £700 in debt*... erm... :-$
12. You're always making new friends? not really, I like the friends I have now...
13. You like to swim?: yeh, just have no-one to go with!
14. Have you ever got bored so you call a friend?: I tend to text
15. You're patient?: far from it!... I trecked all the way to Birmingham yesterday just to get Sims 2: University cos I didn't wanna wait 2 days, hehe!
16. You like this survey?: it's a bit naff...


In the last month have you...

1. Had sex: not full on kinky sex, nope...
2. Bought something: yeh, hehe
3. Gotten sick: nah
4. Sang: yeh
5. Been kissed: no
7. Felt stupid: yeh
8. Missed someone: yeh
9. Danced crazy: yeh... ^_^
10. Gotten your hair cut: nope
11. Watched cartoons: but of course
12. Lied: prolly


Last Person that...

1. Slept in your bed?: Jack's sleeping on it atm...
2. Saw you cry?: can't remember!
3. Made you cry?: Edgar on 24... :'-(
4. Went to the movies with you?: Rachael n Kiri
5. You went to the mall with?: me!
7. You went to dinner with?: dunno... :-S
8. You talked on the phone with?: ma Mommy
9. Said 'I love you' to you?: erm, someone said "love ya" on MSN to me last night... t'was prolly Mom in person tho... I forget...
10. Broke your heart: dunno
11. Made you laugh: can't remember
12. Bought you something: my Mommy bought me some mini apple crumbles... ^_^


Have You Ever...

1. Wished you were the opposite sex: not really...
2. Snuck out of your house: nope
3. Gave money to a homeless person: yeh

"amazing!"(ly boring!)


omg, tour!

hehe, I thought I'd try something new, and I have just made a lil video of the downstairs of my new house!...

hope it works!


Monday, 17 April 2006

You Know You're Bored When... decide to scan all your CDs onto your computer with the "amazing" barcode reader in "Delicious Library"!...

omg, I am sooooo bored... I mean, yes, I have lots of work I should be doing for University, but I am so bored that I really can't be arsed with it!... I am thinking I am going to go to Birmingham now to purchase a Sims 2 expansion pack that I can't really afford!... :-)


Sausage & Babe...

this morning, in a bank holiday tradition, my Mommy made us a very nice fry up!... but as I took a nice bite of my bacon, my brother decided to put Babe on!... why would you watch a cute little pig whilst eating bacon!... it's just wrong...

pigs are cute though!... I want a pig... :-)... and also a baby cow!... cos they are also cute... I know!... I am going to become a farmer!... then I can have lots of cute pets n stuffs, hehe... it will be ace...


Sunday, 16 April 2006

Secret Stash!

Happy Easter peoples!!... hope you're all fat from eating lots of chocolate!...

does anyone know what chocolate has to do with Jesus??... if so!... could you please let me know!

hehe, I have had to hide my chocolate, so it isn't eaten...

how cool!... I like mini eggs!... but I'm not allowed to eat them till later, cos I got my Mommy to get me them this morning, and she didn't get my bro n sis any, hehe... what's Easter without mini eggs!?... nothing is what it is!... nothing!... although, it isn't really nothing, cos it's all about Jesus dying and coming back to life to save us all n stuffs isn't it...

I wonder when Jesus 2 is gonna come!... will we have 2 Christmas's if he comes soon!?... that would be quite cool!... expensive tho!...

anywho, I hope y'all have a fun Easter and stuffs!


Friday, 14 April 2006

omg... many exciting events happening soon!... well, 3, hehe... the first of which comes in 7 days time when this movie comes out!...

omg, that is gonna be so amazing!!... can't wait!...

then 7 days after, I am seeing this lovely lady...

yay, Hilary Muff, hehe... which should be amazing!... second row, wooooow...

then 5 days after that!... this amazing person is coming to town!...

yes!... Darren Hayes!... I am quite excited for all 3, hehe... let's hope they're all amazing!... :-D


Thursday, 13 April 2006

Wednesday, 12 April 2006

Ma Room!

as promised, I have taken a picture of my bedroom to show y'all the amazing colour of my room!... I can confirm that it is, very blue!

see!... I still have to get some new curtains, and also new bed covers, which should be sorted by tomorrow, but that is the colour, and omg, you can see my beautiful TV!... :-D

oh, and this is the living room!



Tuesday, 11 April 2006

Tomb Raider: Short Legend...

I didn't actually tell y'all, but I purchased the new Tomb Raider game on Friday for my 360, and omg, it was SO cool... the graphics are amazing and stuff!... but I completed it today!... I could have actually completed it yesterday if I didn't get stuck on this one boss, (which was only because I didn't actually have to kill it, pfft)... Tomb Raider games generally, thankfully, have a lot of replayability, so I can play it again when I want without being bored, cos it's ace, and plus, I have secrets to find...

I didn't tell y'all bout my new TV either, did I!?... yes, I was a naughty boy, and bought a HDTV last week... :-S... as well as this, I bought a surround sound system... so my 360 is totally amazing now!

in other news, my Mommy finished decorating the front room today!... my room is being done tomorrow!... I will be sure to show you the final results when they are done!


Sunday, 9 April 2006

Alien Boring-opsy In The Dark!

hehe, yeh!... I saw Alien Autopsy on Friday!... it wasn't actually that bad, but then again, it wasn't that good!... Ant & Dec were cool, but the story was a bit, bleh... I understand that it's a true story and such, but they could have made up something to make the story better!... for example...

*Aliens invade earth to come and get the video tape back because it is highly offensive to their race!*


*Ant & Dec have to go to the streets to have kinky bum sex, sometimes with each other, to make money to fund a whole new tape with amazing special effects and stuff*


oh, I can't think of anymore... never mind!... either of them would have been better... ^_^

I also saw The Dark last night!... which was quite good, but it just got totally confusing, and I really don't understand it... it hurts my head to think about it!... I couldn't even try and attempt to tell you why it's so confusing, because I'm really not sure what point made it confusing... it's a total blur!

so, yes!... those are the "amazing" films I saw this weekend!


Friday, 7 April 2006

Uni = Sucky!

omg, I broke up from Uni yesterday, yay!... I am very much disliking University at the moment... it is soooooo boring!... I've got like, 4 assignments I'm meant to be doing, but they're really hard... :-(

for one of them, I have to make a model of this thing called "PC Pile House" in a CAAD program, which is shit, cos it's all lines and typing in points and stuff, so omg, very hard...

for another, I have to make a business website, which should actually be quite easy... :-)

for another, I have to make a model of the campus on the computer!... which I am expected to go in during the holidays to do, pfft!

and for the final one, I have to make a short 3D animation... I've had this one for a while, but really can't think of anything to do, cos I'm not very good at the program... but if any of you have any ideas!... please, tell me!

I am now going to generally sit for 2 weeks!... :-)
